Fee-based Life Insurance



 – Tax Advantages

 – Transparency

      *Tax-free accumulation

 – Flexibility

      *Tax-free distribution

 – Full Disclosure

      *Income tax-free death benefit

 – Living Benefits


Fee-based advisors can offer these benefits of life insurance to their clients without breaking their promise of ‘no commissions’.  Personal financial planning is not the only use for this ‘no commission’ life insurance product. It can be applied to estate planning or business planning.  The illustrations for Key-Person Insurance, Buy/Sell Agreements and Deferred Compensation will astound you!

For example, for a 50 year old male, preferred, non-smoker, the premium to carry a current assumption universal life policy to age 95 with a death benefit of $200,000 is $4,441 per year. By comparing surrender values of the current assumption policy to a Fee-based UL policy we find:

Current Surrender Values – Premium $4,400/year
 Year Current Assumption UL Policy  Fee-based UL Policy
1  $0 $4,232
5  $13,711 $21,618
10  $38,295 $47,311
20 $96,000 $119,691

 We welcome the opportunity to share this compelling story with you!  Please contact us at 1-800-597-6736 or email us to learn how we can help structure a case for your client.